
In our twentieth anniversary PVM brings you a music disk full of 8 bit sounds for your ears. Press play and enjoy like in the old times.
This couldn't have been possible without the esoteric and intimate code by riq and munshkr; triangle and square waves taming by uctumi, naku/los pat moritas and co mu; picassian brush strokes and hieroglyph charsets of alakran and arlequin; dope petsciis of acid and telepathic collaboration from the rest of the pungas.

Stay tuned for new PVM releases and don't hesitate to contact us at if you are a talented human waste eager to participate in future releases.

You can download the C64 executables or access a video version here:

We are also looking for contributions and to work together with other artists to include other international chips!. Just msg us at our facebook/webpage.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ el ass dee j

Digging these tunes and the graphics! Awesome work all around!