"Recently", it sounds like there were some recent updates in the Atari ST TOS or on Maxymiser 
I can't really tell from my experience, because I generally use MaxYMiser from an emulator. Here is what I encountered so far:
- On hatari 1.7.0 or 1.8.0 it's very stable, I've never encountered any crash I remember.
- On hatari 1.9.0 I got some random crashes when saving (bomb and exit). Maybe it's because it's a version I compiled myself, and with the new cpu core from winuae.
- On some rare occasions, I worked on my Atari STF with maxYMiser, without any problem for saving files.
- With other programs on my new Atari STE, I had problems for loading data from floppies.
So my thoughts are:
- your STE floppy drive might becoming defective
- and/or your floppies might become defective as well
if you're not using floppies but sd cards or usb sticks, it could be some rare bugs in maxYMiser, for example with a specific instrument or some settings in your songs which may interfere with the saving process.
Have you tried loading sample songs, make small edits, save again?
You may also try to load your current songs into an emulator and try to save again to see it this problem is still present.
About MaxYMiser use, I think it can look complicated at first, and the only difficult part is learning how to use the sequences. On the other hand, if you've used GoatTracker and its tables, MaxYMiser will look more confortable on this aspect.
But for the rest it's easy to enter notes, effects and such.
Everything in one screen is probably too much (and looks cramped), with 2 differents screens it would have been better. Yet SidWizard only has one screen and is easier to get used to it.
Last edited by garvalf (Jun 7, 2016 7:32 am)