Hello fellow nerds!
So I was having a smoke outside work in the alley, when all of the sudden, coming back from the break, my most amazing girlfriend goes "hey look at that old thing" and I went "OMFG@#$$^"
There it was, leaning on the side of a wall, a lone Atari 520STFM. I thought "Fuck's sake! My girlfriend is totally ace at spotting random old computers in weird places". Needless to say I now have to marry her.
But anyways. I plugged it and turned it on. It powers just fine, disk drive lights up and seems to be booting up. Unfortunately the guy who threw it out didn't include a monitor, or mouse, or any software so I'm kind of stuck.
I was wondering if any of you guys had any good resources to acquire a mouse and monitor for it? In fact, anything that could help me get this baby up and running would be super appreciated. Software, hardware, anything. Popular mods? Or aftermarket made-by-nerds adapter-a-ma-jigs to hook it up to newer hardware? Throw it all at me! I want to get this beast screaming mad chiptunes!!!