

I would be extremely grateful if you could give my EP a listen and I’d be more than happy to provide you with any answers or listen to any critique you may have.

Let me just tell you a bit about my dream: In a sentence, I’m willing to work myself to the bone in order to get my music out into the world and into the ears of as many people who resonate with it. I write music because I know the immense impact that it has had on my life and I want to be able to provide people with even a fraction of that nourishment for their soul.

Link to Demo:




Hi Dylan,

Hi Dylan,

While I respect your earnestness in spreading your music, I think this forum may not be the right place for it. This forum is for music made using old video game hardware. Yours seems to be more of an acoustic singer songwriter style. There are likely to be far better locations online to share your music and get a fair critique- why not search out other forums that would cater to your specific style? I get the feeling that the honest feedback you're looking for is unlikely to be found here.

Good luck on your musical journey.
