Arduinoboy MidiOut send MIDI Stop and Start commands when a song is started/stopped, but the GB's processor is too busy to send to midi sync ticks at 24ppqn.
here is my workaround using an additional arduino w/ the appropriate Midi IN and OUT circuitry. clock-sync
One channel will have to be sacrificed and entirely filled (each step, of each phrase, for the entire song) with a X ?? command. (As-is, the sketch is looking for Ch 5, CC#127, val 15. Change these to match your Aboy editor settings)
This device reads the command, counts the time in between, divides it by 6 (24ppqn 1/, 1/16= 6ppqn.) It then send 0xF8 midi clock messages at this interval until the midiStop message and CC messages end.
Last edited by Charbot (Jul 28, 2016 10:10 pm)