i don't remember you being around in the pre-8bc days, so you didn't really see what it was like back then
edit: also, by pointing to a small subsection of the scene, you're missing my point.. there are and always will be outliers.. the fami scene tends to be mostly demoscene style, and is in its own way somewhat limited in range of styles, just not the exact ones i mentioned..
edit 2: i also think we have VERY different definitions of dub, glitch and thrash, because unless i'm missing something, there's very little dub (cow'p and quarta330 come to mind, maybe you mean dubstep? it's a completely different genre), glitch (besides abandoned on fire and some of frankangotti's stuff or some of mine.. is chalices of the past still around?) or thrash (unless you mean "chipthrash" which is a major misnomer as almost none of it has anything remotely in common with thrash metal... not sure i ever heard a good explanation of what people even think chipthrash is, most of the demos we got the last year of datathrash didn't fit what we were looking for at that point at all)
Last edited by e.s.c. (Aug 29, 2016 4:15 pm)