To transfert to a zx spectrum it's pretty easy, just export the song ("compile song") to a .tap file format with basic loader. Then there are some applications which can convert from .tap to .wav (tapir ? On Unix I'm using tape2wav which is provided by the fuse emulator). Then plug using a monophonic jack from a computer or a smartphone into the "ear" socket on the Spectrum. Type "j" it will display 'load', then "symb shift" (ctrl with an emulator) + p, it will display ", do it a second time so it will display
Then play your wav file (at a quite loud volume), so it will start loading data. After 2-3 minutes (depending on the data to be transfered) you will be able to record from the "mic" socket.
It's true ZX spectrum can be quite pricey now 
I've got mine for around 50 €, and it has a color display default (but I don't care) so the price was a bit reduced in comparison to others.
This one looks quite ok:
maybe zx + are a bit less reliable, but it's according to wikipedia so I don't know:
On original ZX spectrum, the rubber keyboard is not very reliable
this one is not in fresh condition but is described as working:
if you can get a zx 128 or 2+, you'll get also an AY-3-8910 chip, which is cool to compose music for (with Vortex Tracker II for example).But you can also plug a quite cheap extension on a 48 for this purpose:
You can't change engines during play.
For stopping a note during the play, type "A" (or "Q" I don't know, I'm using azerty keyboard not qwerty), it should display a R-- which cut the note.
for the last question which I don't understand well, about effects, some engines allows to tweak a bit the sound, but several other don't. For example with qchan you can only change sustain (in a pattern). It's 1-bit sounds, so it's different from what you can get from a dedicated soundchip, but it doesn't prevent to be creative, I hope:
Last edited by garvalf (Sep 8, 2016 7:54 am)