
What is the status of LSDJ and the EZ Flash IV Cart on GBA?

Am I able to use the updated version of LSDJ with Goomba?
Will I be able to load custom wav samples into LSDJ? Sound quality on samples?
Will I be able to save?

I did not specifically order this cart for LSDJ, but if it's mostly working and I can save, that will be an added bonus smile


I can't find the post, but somebody here had mentioned that LSDJ still doesn't "work right" with the EZ Flash4.  I am not sure what is meant by this comment. Can anybody elaborate a little bit?


ez flash is a gba card. LSDJ is for the original gameboy systems, so if you run it, youll be emulating it using a tool like goomba.


also goomba does not support 128k SRAM so you will only be able to work on 1 song at a time - you'll need multiple copies of LSDJ to work on multiple songs


Yeah I understand how the flash card works.  That's not really my question.

How does saving work?  Do I use save states or does the internal LSDJ save function?

Can I still load custom wavs into LSDJ with the goomba version?

Does midi sync still work?

What DOESN'T work properly by using EZ Flash4?

Last edited by 4ormal (Dec 13, 2016 8:37 pm)

urbster1 wrote:

also goomba does not support 128k SRAM so you will only be able to work on 1 song at a time - you'll need multiple copies of LSDJ to work on multiple songs

Thanks smile  This is the type of info I was looking for.


The link i provided gets more into detail about various other things that dont work either.


I'm basically trying to see if it will be worth the effort to pay for the rom, track down a windows computer to get goomba and the patched rom on my Flash Card (osx user) and then on top of that still learn how to use the tracker wink 

I didn't buy the flash card in hopes of running LSDJ, that's just a bonus if it will all work smoothly.  As a last resort I can just use FAT Tracker to load up some samples (but no sync options for pairing with Nanoloop).

herr_prof wrote:

The link i provided gets more into detail about various other things that dont work either.

Awesome, I'll look into it smile



You are loosing your time IMHO.
Working is not enough, it will not sound fine, so in the end you may have poor user experience....