(Preamble - I know MIDI, kind of worked with LSDJ one time, use an emulator to test my GlitchNES custom .asm, and am otherwise dumb. This may be a dumb question. )
What all can actually be done with LSDJ MIDI? Just clock sync, or are there more possibilities (for example, muting individual tracks, etc). I have not found much documentation on what can actually be done once you get the ardurinoboy up and running.
And then from there, could it possibly be done in an emulator? In theory you could plug a core compliant MIDI device into your emulation box and make something happen? Perhaps not.
Are there any documents on LSDJ midi and what control signals does the cartridge listen for? And is it all versions of the ROM that do it, or just the ones marked ardurinoboy?
I've seen a lot of tutorials about building an ardurinoboy and whatnot, but very little regarding the actual signals that are transferred. Is it just clock sync, or full on MIDI mapping?