1 plz up master volume.
Ok, I will allow people to be above recommanded value, but there will be sometime digital clip
It will be available in the "first menu", and will be OFF by default.
2 some trouble with parameter lock (i cant understand how is it works smile
It does not work like Elektron Parameter Lock.
Today you can change every parameter of each step.
You can not lock any parameter on each step.
I will see how it can be achieved, It will arrive in a future release, because it is a cool feature.
I will add also note retrig condition, and the trigless step ( only parameter change without retrig )
BUT This will not be available soon, maybe month before it is available, I'd like to not go too fast on this, and write it cleanly.
3 plz add support right/left shift button for select parameter.
Ok, I've write it, and I've push it on "master branch", because it is a good idea and will enhance the playability.
Not a difficult task.
It will be available when it is tested, it will be easier now to change sub menu.
To change the sub_menu in [ENV] you had to use START
Now if you will be able to change the sub_menu with B+RIGHT or B+LEFT if you are outside a menu.
Definitely, it will be faster most of the time.
4 plz add more polyrhythmic (size for pattern)
This was removed, because I had no possibility to : "restart the sequencer at step 0 for each track"
I have added tonight the possibility to stop the sequencer and to restart the sequencer, so now I will "re add" the polyrhythmic feature.
To stop sequencer it will be B+A [BPM] or ( X+O [BPM] in ps vita )
To start it A+START [ BPM ]
It will set all Track to step 0 at the same time.
So if you mess with polyrithmics, you can restart the sequencer to a well known state.
When this is finished, I tag a release with this and create a VPK file and EBOOT file and check it also on linux.
Then I work on Garvalf feature, which are, IMHO, really important today.
The config file is really needed, the stereo and the export audio with multiple audio file... mandatory.
Then I will see how the touch interface could be available on some platform because ps vita and android are good 
Last edited by yoyz2k (Jan 21, 2017 11:35 pm)