
hey guys, i did a similar sort of thing last year, and received amazing response, i thought id try my luck again.

i have an experiment where i have two samples of chiptune music, one hardware, one emulation.
its basically to see if there really is a difference and if people can tell the difference. like a double blind sort of experiment!

(not saying which hardware its part of the questionnaire)

but if anyone fancies helping me out on a paper here are the the links to the tracks and the questionnaire here

everyone who participates will be credited too!!

Joliette, QC, Canada

Well it really depends of the chip and which emulator you are using !!!
There is VSTi like Plogue's chipsounds which is true emulation of 95% of the chips in it (I think SID is sampled because of the filter and stuff)


forgot to the put the link... my bad - questionnaire … UM5va?dl=0 - files


its more of a hardware tracker then the tracker emulated sort of thing! so yeah i guess which emulator would be a factor!!

Adelaide, Australia

Well, I think the difference between hardware and software isn't really the sound, it's the process, tools, limitations, challenges, glitches and quirks. Of course I know people sometimes purposely enforce there own limitations in a DAW but it's hardly the same thing as tracking on an actual gameboy, Amiga or C64 etc.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I did this a while back to shut down an idiot. I thought we all decided back then that the ultimate judge of a songs worth was the human ear and we should all just admit that the tools used are purely there for the enjoyment, efficiency and inspiration of the musician?