
Spinning 'round and 'round


Hows life; aspirations; personal progress?

Salt Lake City, UT

Camping on a bunch of kicking LSDJ tunes, not able to decide if they're "done" enough for album release and going through shopping for a netlabel to put them out on.
Waiting to buy nanoloop mono hoping that mono+LSDJ is the sonic breakthrough I'm hoping for.

Brunswick, GA USA

and also

and of course


-moved house and i live with a dog now
-went down to 3 days a week at work so i have more time to be a real human
-took up running as a new Sport to do
-booked a trip to switzerland

Jazzmarazz wrote:

Spinning 'round and 'round


Hows life; aspirations; personal progress?

April FooLs! Now your dreams will never come true! Just kidding, that's not how dreams work.

I'm almost done with a very distinctive iPhone tracker. It's sample based so I'm using it to make a breakcore song, which is pretty fun. I'll show the song to people probably...mostly excited for the tracker.


* Still working as game effects/3d artist at indie studio.
* Still making electronic/chiptune combo. Not a lot of Gameboy sadly as of late, fell off a little bit for now. But still LSDJ on emu.
* Finally doing effort "re-studying" programming, primarily C++, Python and C#. I should learn a few more languages but uh. Time.
* Finally doing effort studying cyber security/"internet stuff" after YEARS of wanting to but just not doing it.

I feel fine! Hope I can make this last, too- and learn quickly since I feel like I've been a stagnated turd for far too long. I just wanna freaking GO AT LIKE A MILLION MILES AN HOUR AND then crash into a wall without a helmet.


I've just been trying to get better at starting new songs in lsdj, and so far it's going pretty good! Other than that I've just been doing normal school things and trying to survive the year I guess.

Jazzmarazz wrote:

Hows life; aspirations; personal progress?


› negative

› positive

chunter wrote:

tony banks is my hero, he's got such a good sense of writing weird chord progressions that are somehow still really catchy.