scannerboy wrote:Also I use a super easy version of the prosound. You just remove 2 components to disconnect the amp from the output jack, and then you solder 2 wires to connect the cpu pins to the output.
If you dont like the prosound you just have to remove the wires and bridge the 2 components that you have removed.
Those are some great protips! Thanks a lot!
I personally think I'm gonna go for a separate 1/8" output jack and drill a hole in the case because I'm gonna order parts (backlit screen, shell etc.) so that I can do it all at once.
I got this image from a friend that he dug up from some old facebook thread where Joe Bleeps shows his GBA prosound mod: 
But I've heard conflicting information about those points, I've read somewhere here on the forums that points R30 and R31 are supposed to be pre-pot that one should solder to for a prosound mod.. Yours and Joes pictures seem more legit!
Edit: Gosh I'm blind, I just saw now that you highlighted the same points as Joe Bleeps.
Last edited by ScanianWolf (Jun 18, 2018 7:04 pm)