Heyy, I’ve only just got into writing electronic music, and I’m using LSDJ and Nanoloop at the minute. When I’ve come to master some songs I’ve added samples and vocals, and was wonderig if anyone had some advice on what hardwar I could use to replicate them live, as I’m just using two gameboys to play live at the minute. I would preferably want something small in size, that can store multiple samples to play across quite a few tracks! Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, av!
Volca Sample is a pretty decent solution, plus not difficult to sync to LSDJ/nanoloop
Volca Sample is a pretty decent solution, plus not difficult to sync to LSDJ/nanoloop
After watching a few tutorials on it, people just seem to use it for making beats on, which is a bit much for what I would want it for. I just want to be able to load in some samples, then just hit a button/pad when I want the sample to come in, nothing to complex really!
Akai MPX-8 is pretty OK and probably the only solution that's cheaper than a Volca Sample. The biggest issue with it is that sample banks take an unusually long time to load, 30-60 seconds or more maybe? If you accidentally hit the button to switch banks mid-song, you're fucked. You get 8 samples per bank.
Akai MPX-8 is pretty OK and probably the only solution that's cheaper than a Volca Sample. The biggest issue with it is that sample banks take an unusually long time to load, 30-60 seconds or more maybe? If you accidentally hit the button to switch banks mid-song, you're fucked. You get 8 samples per bank.
Yeah, mpx8 can take a long time to load if you're near the max sample time for that bank (something like 6 min if mono iirc, believe it's got 32MB per bank), but i can recommend it for sure. I use one for longer samples when i can't squeeze all the samples into a piggy tracker project
There is no mute groups in the mpx8. For drumpadding, it's bad for the high-hats but since you just want to throw vocal samples, go for it !
BLEO wrote:Akai MPX-8 is pretty OK and probably the only solution that's cheaper than a Volca Sample. The biggest issue with it is that sample banks take an unusually long time to load, 30-60 seconds or more maybe? If you accidentally hit the button to switch banks mid-song, you're fucked. You get 8 samples per bank.
Yeah, mpx8 can take a long time to load if you're near the max sample time for that bank (something like 6 min if mono iirc, believe it's got 32MB per bank), but i can recommend it for sure. I use one for longer samples when i can't squeeze all the samples into a piggy tracker project
Had a look at the MPX8 and that looks like the kind of thing I’m after! What is it that takes so long to load exactly? From what I can gather, you can load 8 different samples to the 8 pads, then you can loaf another bank for 8 different samples, is that what takes so long?
Yep, switching one bank to the next (or at startup) is what takes a while with longer samples. If you use more than ~6 minutes of samples(if mono, ~3 min if stereo) or more than 8 different samples during a set, you'll have to at some point switch banks and wait a bit (or work around it by playing something that doesn't need samples while it loads. Or if that doesn't work for what you want, there's the mpx16 which doubles both the number of samples & max sample time per kit(plus lets you sample in-unit instead of just giving you sample playback) but also costs roughly double (though you can probably find a used one cheaper than the volca sample still)
Yep, switching one bank to the next (or at startup) is what takes a while with longer samples. If you use more than ~6 minutes of samples(if mono, ~3 min if stereo) or more than 8 different samples during a set, you'll have to at some point switch banks and wait a bit (or work around it by playing something that doesn't need samples while it loads. Or if that doesn't work for what you want, there's the mpx16 which doubles both the number of samples & max sample time per kit(plus lets you sample in-unit instead of just giving you sample playback) but also costs roughly double (though you can probably find a used one cheaper than the volca sample still)
Awesome that's great, thanks for the info!