Think this thing will have an open SDK. Designed by teenage engineering and Panic software. Whaddya think?
Last edited by LotZo (May 29, 2019 2:54 pm) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Think this thing will have an open SDK. Designed by teenage engineering and Panic software. Whaddya think?
Last edited by LotZo (May 29, 2019 2:54 pm)
Yeah, I'm interested to see how this one develops. Would be very interesting to see music software take advantage of the crank!
Hm, looked at this, not interested, aside of this i sold my teenage engineering pockets, because i dont like game design in music department, vice versa yes. I personally think that teenage guys think they are smarter than rest of the world.
I don't see any evidence of TE thinking that they're smarter than everyone else at all. They're confident, but you kinda have to be in today's market.
Truth is, they're a design company more than anything else, and musical instruments just happen to be a thing they design. I still stand by the OP-Z being a work of art, and a beautiful instrument on the level of my Elektron gear (even though I don't use it as much as I do my Elektrons).
Yes design is very good, like from bauhaus design movement (braun, apple functional design...) but display is small in todays standards and about that pockets using majority of screen for nonworking "game" instead of useful musical data during modulations is huge waste of space, and iirc i have had serious problems playing "black" keys on it
The newer pocket operators have adjustable pitch, and in the case of the PO-35, adjustable scales, so unless you're doing 12-tone serialist chiptune music*, that should be enough to get almost any kind of scale you'd want to play.
* actually would be interesting haha
Yes design is very good, like from bauhaus design movement (braun, apple functional design...) but display is small in todays standards
and about that pockets using majority of screen for nonworking "game" instead of useful musical data during modulations is huge waste of space, and iirc i have had serious problems playing "black" keys on it
Controversy! The graphics do tend to be a little like, wtf, on TE stuff. I’d prefer music info too. They’re hyper stylized, that’s just their deal. It’s expensive too of course. But their designs are top notch, and this will prob be open to third parties. Maybe. I guess it’s still a pretty new announcement.
i dont like game design in music department, vice versa yes.
Blasphemy! Naw that’s cool. I don’t like corny crap, but even like demos connect audio and visual code and stuff.
Last edited by LotZo (Jun 1, 2019 3:21 am)