Hello. I', trying to find some bag or carry case for 2x game boys and some extra stuff: wires, 4x cartridges, batteries.
Can anybody advice something?
Hi! Maybe a camera bag could be useful? They usually got a bunch of smaller compartments for objectives, lenses, memory cards etc.
Or if you want something custom made Etsy's got plenty of talented bag makers
The Pelican "1150 Protector Case" may work for two GBs.
https://twitter.com/peterswimm/status/1 … 5110769664
But if you want room for cables+, check the dimensions of the larger ones.
Personally, I am comparing the dimensions of Apache cases. They seem to be cheaper.
The 2800 for example is half the price for a larger case.
https://www.harborfreight.com/2800-weat … 63926.html
At 4" deep, I wonder if you could fit the GBs on their side and have room left over for your other needs. You should make your own measurements to be sure.
EDIT: The 2800 is 3-3/4" deep internally and the DMG is 3-1/2". It's a little close.
Last edited by Orgia Mode (Oct 14, 2020 9:46 pm)
I would go for the slightly larger pelican (1200?) as the gameboy barely fits in that!