herr_prof wrote:

Thats easy! its been at atariage for 20 years big_smile … &p=101

@catskull - you would need two of the sega interfaces though huh for the dual ports?

Well, I got Synthcart already. I‘m looking for a MIDI interface for connecting Synthcart to my DAW.

catskull wrote:

Oh, I missed that part. Didn't realize it used both ports, in that case getting it working on a genMDM would be quite a bit more tricky.

Ok, I see. But thank you anyway.


I have a Synthcart and Atari 2600 and would be interested in buying a pre-assembled Midi interface for it if anyone is selling.

eboats wrote:

I have a Synthcart and Atari 2600 and would be interested in buying a pre-assembled Midi interface for it if anyone is selling.

PM'd ya!