This is what I was thinking when I started to use defMON, and I believe there was some other person commenting it here in the topic as well, but after a few years - I'd strongly defend this solution.
Hehe.. Yeah.. I actually agree. It is funny how one thing (e.g. insistence of doing hard restart manually since that lead to more generic code in the player without special code for hard restart) led to another ("extra" step in the beginning of sequences) and how that turned out to be a quite useful feature for some things.
I also seem to remember that someone commented on this at some point in this thread and I think I said then that in a way this is actually just a result of how the sequence data is presented on the screen (and... well... where you end up if you press CTRL+G for example), since the row numbers start at the second step instead of starting at the first step. So.. if someone *badly* wants the first step to actually be the first step, they can simply treat it that way. Of course they will run into problems then, if they want to put hard restart sounds on the first row, but... at least they can.