Seattle, WA

Curious to see if anyone has braved the gauntlet and tinkered with this thing yet.
Looks awesome and sounds even cooler in theory, but that manual is...  Daunting.

Last edited by TechnoMage (Mar 29, 2019 6:29 pm)

Los Angeles

I have, it's phenomenal! Much more musically controllable when compared to similar products like MIDINES. (It has vibrato, tremolo, proper pitch bend wheel control, portamento, arp etc) ... So far the only thing I've found lacking when compared to MIDINES would be the available selection of samples for drums.


Ooh that's a good vote, Trash - are the Macros easy/fun to use as well? Or are you just controlling everything from the DAW

Milwaukee, WI

I have yet to RTFM, but are the MIDINES sample channel offset commands still in place?


Just looked at the manual 0_o

Looks like wavetable mode is there, assuming that's the same as wave traveler...

Last edited by TSC (Apr 3, 2019 8:14 pm)

Rhode Island

Yes...that manual certainly is a text explosion...seems there is a lot there that would allow you create instruments without as much automation as the midines. the wavetable and wavetable resolution are listed as test functions though, are they fully implemented? Looks like there are some DPCM CCs that aren't on midines that have me curious about what you could get out of that channel.

Seattle, WA
2PLAYER wrote:

Yes...that manual certainly is a text explosion...

It would be FANTASTIC to see a "detangled" version of the manual for those of us who are crushed under the immense weight of that wall of text!  That and the exclusion of any visual feedback creates a pretty big roadblock for folks who haven't used any devices like this (present company included)

TechnoMage wrote:
2PLAYER wrote:

Yes...that manual certainly is a text explosion...

It would be FANTASTIC to see a "detangled" version of the manual for those of us who are crushed under the immense weight of that wall of text!  That and the exclusion of any visual feedback creates a pretty big roadblock for folks who haven't used any devices like this (present company included)

Let's say I'd be willing and in a position to put together a community-based (i.e., unofficial) "extended" document. What would you like to see?

Some of this is guesswork, as my cartridge is supposed to arrive Monday, but I'm still willing to go ahead and try to get the ball rolling.

Ideas thus far include:

  • Programming hardware MIDI controllers to control to Famimimidi (likely only the Novation SL Mk III, as well as the venerable M-Audio Keystation if I can get it working)

  • Programming DAWs to control Famimimidi (REAPER, Logic, Ableton Live Lite, Bitwig Studio would all be immediately available for testing)

  • Regrouping relevant CC messages/Program Changes/etc. together

  • Recreating iconic sounds (my weakest area personally, to be honest)

  • Finding a way to collaborate with other Famimimidi users to fill gaps in the original draft, making it a community-driven resource as well

I get that a step-by-step approach is ideal, but if you had any other wishlist items, that'd be helpful!

Last edited by PRESSED HEART (Apr 26, 2019 3:29 pm)

Milwaukee, WI

Just mangle the samples with the goal of making it crash. Report your success.

Seattle, WA

Let's say I'd be willing and in a position to put together a community-based (i.e., unofficial) "extended" document. What would you like to see?

ALL of these would be fantastic!  Personally, I'd be most interested in MIDI controller programming and DAW integration.
It would also be nice to learn more about what the wavetable (or "Wabetable" big_smile) is capable of and how to work with it.

If I can scrape together the cash to grab one of these myself, I'd be delighted to contribute however I can.

Milwaukee, WI


Seattle, WA
TSC wrote:


Seconded smile

Milwaukee, WI

Has anyone figured out the user macro storage? Try as I may, I cannot seem to store anything.


Milwaukee, WI

Necrobump once more before I do something drastic like travel to Japan and search for the answer on my own in the most dramatic way possible.

TSC wrote:

Necrobump once more before I do something drastic like travel to Japan and search for the answer on my own in the most dramatic way possible.

Sorry not answering your question, but could you explain to me what macro setting are meant to do. I am OK with the rest, but can not quite wrap my head around what they are meant to do.


Milwaukee, WI
captain wrote:
TSC wrote:

Necrobump once more before I do something drastic like travel to Japan and search for the answer on my own in the most dramatic way possible.

Sorry not answering your question, but could you explain to me what macro setting are meant to do. I am OK with the rest, but can not quite wrap my head around what they are meant to do.


I believe these are meant to be user-defined presets. I've mastered the rest, but I cannot seem to get these to stick.


Has anyone who's used MidiNES also used Famimimidi? I'm curious if there are any similarities in terms of the parameters used and their effect. For example, when controlling from my DAW (FL Studio) I can manually draw into the event editor on the channel volume and pitch to control these, as well as all relevant custom MIDI CC's like Duty Cycle, Volume Envelope, Loop, Length, etc. Do channel specific CC's work in the same way or are all parameters controlled using the custom CC's? I'm thinking of picking one up but am curious if these specific functions work similarly as I use them a LOT in my compositions.