Ottawa, Ontario


I'm putting together a setup using a MIDI clock sync, into an arduinoboy, then to DMG running Nanoloop Mono.

I was wondering if I could attach a TRRS jack to the DMG case, and solder 4 wires to the relevant pads at the link port's spot on the PCB (Clock, In, Out, Ground) and attach a custom made TRRS to link cable using the half of the link cable I chopped to make the 5DIN to link cable for the arduinoboy smile

Then I could sync my MS-1's MIDI clock to Nanoloop Mono, and LSDJ - portable acid party.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



Original idea was to tap into clock signal from Nanoloop/LSDJ to sync MS-1 (ext clk in) but they both produce very fast click rates that make the MS-1's sequencer run like the clappers even at 40 BPM, 1 tick per step.


Get one of those green link cables which has both DMG and pocket size connectors on each end (4 connectors in total). Then you can modify the cable instead of your DMG.

I have synced 3xLSDJ this way.

Ottawa, Ontario

Good idea, could save a few bucks on parts that way. I have a dual DMG/CGB cable that I could attach a 5din connector to, and change some other stuff around - could attach both dmg ports to one side. I'd have to switch around one of the pins in a DMG port so there's 5v for the arduinoboy but that's what I did with my original link/5din cable.

Something like this I think would work:

Any thoughts appreciated, I'm a novice with circuit analysis and whatnot - wasn't sure if the signal on a multicable is sent to all four connectors.

Ottawa, Ontario

Now that I think about it, could also just attach both halves of my original two sided link cable to a 5din connector.


Maybe I misunderstood something but shouldn’t you put the Arduinoboy at the ”5din” place in your picture, or was that how you meant?

The MIDI clock signal (24ppqn) is not compatible with the GB link clock pin (toggles at up to 500khz I think).

Ottawa, Ontario

I got a Xiwi Electronics arduinoboy a lil while ago, the link cable port is for DIN cables. I guess so they didn't have to source more expensive female link port connectors. It's rated for 5-15v so I'm gonna configure this dual cable idea from my last post with +5v from both DMGs. WIll post pics later.


Aha I see, sounds good then! Looking forward to see (and hear) the results smile

Ottawa, Ontario

Need to set the Arduinoboy to Nanoloop mode, 2 ticks per step in lsdj but it works.


That’s a nice looking setup!