Just thought I'd post up an offer to do custom NES cartridges for people. I'm unemployed, short on cash, and long on free time. And there is a great plethora of software out there coming from the likes of Neil Baldwin and Bargg and No Carrier which I'm sure plenty of people would like physical cartridges of. I've got the gear and the know how to build carts for people. You hack the code up and customise it to your liking and I'll build you a one of a kind cartridge.
I have done various mappers in the past, including a few revisions of MMC1, NROM, MMC3, and MMC4. And if you need something made which I haven't done before, I'll learn the pinouts and make it if I can.
Examples of cartridges I have made in the past include GlitchNES, ScrollNES, LickShot, NTRQ, the MottZilla 11-in-1 NROM multicart, and Mario Bros. hacks. I can do all of No Carrier's programs, because with the exception of the 9999-in-1 they're all NROM. I can make multicarts of NROM software as well, using the MottZilla 11-in1 or the No Carrier 9999-in-1.
I can do your cartridge up so it's permanently programmed, or I can socket the chips so they can be erased and re-burned later. I haven't gotten my in-cartridge USB programmer design finished yet, so that kind of reprogramming isn't an option right now. But if you get a custom cart from me and ever need it reprogrammed you just pay one-way shipping and I'll do it myself. That's my promise.
A quick note about what cartridges I will and will not make for you- I will not make you a "reproduction" cartridge of a game which has already been published. The legality of this is questionable to say the least. Fan translations are also out, unless you're the one who wrote the translation. If you hacked a game, however, I'll gladly make you a custom cartridge. This service is in the spirit of DIY, not so that you can add to your NES game collection.
That said, right now I'm thinking of charging $35 for a customised NROM cartridge, and $45 for other mappers. If you send me the correct donor cartridge you get $10 off. Any extra hardware add-ons like a multi SRAM bank or other things you might happen to need or want would be extra. Shipping anywhere in the world for $6, and if it's more than that I eat the cost.
If you need something made or have questions, post 'em here or give me a PM. I'll build em on a first-come first-serve basis.
Last edited by arfink (Jul 13, 2010 2:37 am)