
Hi, what would be the best way to rip vocals or samples in your opinion, lets say like ripping vocals or samples from a youtube video, etc.


Last edited by ascii (Jul 6, 2010 1:52 am)


Best way? No idea. My way? Audacity because it's free and available and can work with nearly anything.


Alright, thanks!

Columbus, OH

You want to rip just the vocals?

Psydney, Australia

I know there's a method of REMOVING the vocals from the track, but I have no idea how to isolate just the vocals.


Alot of pop songs you can google "songtitle acapella" and get just the vocals, my friends and I did this last summer when making mashup suff


don't sample youtube, go hardcore:
or … interface/

as for other sampling, adobe audition is also very good

A gray world of dread

You can filter out audio under vocals in audacity with its noise removal tool, if there's a section of the same music pattern without the vocals. This produces noticeable artefacts, which sound very ugly. You're probably better off with looking for an acapella stem of the track.

Last edited by µB (Jul 6, 2010 12:48 pm)


Wow, thanks a lot guys! smile

brighton, uk

Sample from the best quality possible. (FLAC, Vinyl etc)
Use the best equipment possible to sample.
Keep the noise floor low when recording (ungrounded (laptop) power supplies, unused inputs on mixer with gain up)

You can use phase inversion to cut the sides of the mix out (leaving the vocals) and then invert this against the original to cut the vocals out of the original.

I will make a little tutorial to do this for ableton live and audacity if you want?

This method doesnt work on everything, but it's better for older (before 80s) music where hard panning was all the rage.

You can then filter, eq and gate out anything left over, as it might just cut out the bass and drums.

It really depends on the song!

Last edited by CMDR (Jul 6, 2010 6:30 pm)


Thanks for offering a tutorial! But I think I got it, but if I need help, I'll talk to ya smile

iLKke wrote:

I know there's a method of REMOVING the vocals from the track, but I have no idea how to isolate just the vocals.

track with vocals - track with no vocals = vocals with no track

If you have both the original and the same (must be exactly the same) instrumental it should be pretty easy to subtract the two. So go ahead and post your method for removing the vocals! big_smile

Psydney, Australia
ant1 wrote:
iLKke wrote:

I know there's a method of REMOVING the vocals from the track, but I have no idea how to isolate just the vocals.

track with vocals - track with no vocals = vocals with no track

If you have both the original and the same (must be exactly the same) instrumental it should be pretty easy to subtract the two. So go ahead and post your method for removing the vocals! big_smile

It's the phase inversion CMDR described.
There's a plugin for winamp that's useful for giving you a good idea of how well it will work with a certain track.


brighton, uk

Milan, Italy

magic's everywhere in this, bitch.

Last edited by arottenbit (Jul 7, 2010 11:52 am)