Wow, a lot of pages. I think as much as the yes - no opinions on this. It's core spirit/appeal will never erode no matter what. Nothing lasts forever at the same time.
Wow, a lot of pages. I think as much as the yes - no opinions on this. It's core spirit/appeal will never erode no matter what. Nothing lasts forever at the same time.
makes sense...
so, im sitting in the fox studio green room right now, right next to a COLBERT REPORT logo microwave, haha!!
me2. mind=blown.
Good performance guys...but they cut you off in the middle of the song with an ad for a water softener. sighh.
yeah, that was bullshit. You did good, they failed. Bastards.
You guys were great! You blew some minds today!
I saw the cut off coming, thats just how morning shows are. Unless you are a more popular band or something. In that case they run the credits over your face the whole time.
Last edited by Dauragon (Jul 10, 2010 2:15 pm)
After show: … w-show-710
Last edited by B3tabot (Jul 10, 2010 3:56 pm)
hahah, there is an 'aftershow' online at the fox and friends website and we do another song and goof around. GOOD TIMEZ!!!!!! The hosts are actually totally hilarious
hahah, there is an 'aftershow' online at the fox and friends website and we do another song and goof around. GOOD TIMEZ!!!!!! The hosts are actually totally hilarious
Good job! Is there a link to the after show?
Last edited by 8bitweapon (Jul 10, 2010 3:50 pm)