hardcore, Australia

I've been looking about for information on this lately, and from what I can tell, using a keyboard with LSDJ only allows you to play the pulse channels.

Is this right? or is there still hope in my dreams sweet sweet WAV playability?

Song And Live Mode
SPACE play using custom table
F1/F2 octave down/up
F3/F4 instrument down/up
F5/F6 select custom table to assign to SPACE
F8 change pulse instrument playback channels (PU1, PU2, PU1+2)
F9-F12 toggle channel mute (switches on key press)
CTRL+(F9-F12) tap channel mute (switches on key press and release)


Just use F3/F4 to go to a wav/kit/noise instrument. smile

hardcore, Australia

Thank you lord nitro.

I assumed that given the mention of PU1, PU2 and PU1+2 that it was only pulse channels accessible.

Back to the lab for me, to develop the ultimate keytar.

Melbourne, Australia

Thankyou very much.
Has anyone else noticed that in newer versions of lsdj, keyboards won't actually trigger notes unless they use a table with someting in the first column?

▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐ ▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐ ▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐

@TmTgr that doesnt happen to me w/ the new version.
it works exactly the same...

just put an instrument in the 1st column, and press play
(no note necessary). then you can remove the instrument
and switch to any you want.