I see a lot of chip artists doing misfit covers along with several misfit completed compilations... What about the good ol' DK? I think it be rad if we could get a Dead Kennedys covers out there.
Note 5/19/11: Though a deadline was set. Due to a back up of release plans, pieces may be released as you wish [I've taken advantage making you wait so long, so go for it show the world] and will also be put on the collaboration.
*!=!*Anyone may now still submit a piece to the album for acceptance*!=!*
Contact me at mcpchiptune@yahoo.com or PM
Email/post for slot and song reservation
<> Artists/songs (duplicates will now be accepted as long as styles are not extremely similar)
Starpilot - I Kill Children
MCP - Too Drunk to Fuck
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Chanalog - Soup is Good Food
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Nestrogen - FLESHDUNCE
Sam mulligan - Insight
--additional track--
Comptroller - When Ya Get Drafted
Last edited by MCP (Jul 20, 2011 2:12 am)