Santa Barbara, California

I see a lot of chip artists doing misfit covers along with several misfit completed compilations... What about the good ol' DK? I think it be rad if we could get a Dead Kennedys covers out there.

Note 5/19/11: Though a deadline was set. Due to a back up of release plans, pieces may be released as you wish [I've taken advantage making you wait so long, so go for it show the world] and will also be put on the collaboration. 
*!=!*Anyone may now still submit a piece to the album for acceptance*!=!*

Contact me at or PM

Email/post for slot and song reservation

<> Artists/songs (duplicates will now be accepted as long as styles are not extremely similar)
Starpilot - I Kill Children

MCP - Too Drunk to Fuck
--additional track--

Chanalog - Soup is Good Food
--additional track--

Nestrogen - FLESHDUNCE

Sam mulligan - Insight
--additional track--
Comptroller - When Ya Get Drafted

Last edited by MCP (Jul 20, 2011 2:12 am)

MCP wrote:

... along with several misfit completed compilations

I only know of the CDKr release. Are there others?

Winter Haven, FL

@trash can man... yes.
@ MCP.. I am totally into the idea of working on a track for a DK comp. I'd dig deep and play something more obscure though.
I'll keep an eye on this thread and if the ball gets rolling... I'll start re-creating.

Liverpool, UK

NAZI PUNKS NAZI PUNKS (I'm sooo down for this)

^ Reserved

What quality/Where should I email?

Santa Barbara, California

word. Well since people are interested ill figure out the requirements and shit soon and edit the original post later today.

dibs on Police Truck.

Last edited by MCP (Jan 11, 2010 8:04 pm)

Winter Haven, FL
MCP wrote:

word. Well since people are interested ill figure out the requirements and shit soon and edit the original post later today.

dibs on Police Truck.

I saw East Bay Ray at a bar one night... and I could not stop name-dropping and/or making plays on words involving DK culture. I remember looking out the window where we were sitting.. and saying "holy shit! Did you see that huge fucking POLICE TRUCK"?!!! - true story


I saw the new kennedys with eddie from courtship on eddies father give a rant between songs about how we have to support our troops in 2002 or so. It was awesome.

Hialeah, FL

Cover my favorite band with 8bit sounds. Totally want in. Not sure what song though.. maybe chemical warfare.


police truck cover would be sick. maybe someone do holiday in cambodia or california uber alles? that would be so sweet.

Winter Haven, FL
Rei Yano wrote:

police truck cover would be sick. maybe someone do holiday in cambodia or california uber alles? that would be so sweet.

Ehhh... someone is going to have to take one for the team and cover one of the "popular tracks". 1..2.3... NOT IT!!!

▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐ ▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐ ▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐

i like short songs....

Liverpool, UK

Just need drums 'n' vox now!

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i'd like to be a part of this....still undecided on which song i'd cover there a deadline?

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
herr_prof wrote:

I saw the new kennedys with eddie from courtship on eddies father give a rant between songs about how we have to support our troops in 2002 or so. It was awesome.

I'm not sure how you could ever support the new dead kennedy's.. jello biafra got screwed out of that band.. and his vocal talent made that band what it was. Just say'n.


If it makes you feel better, I paid $30 to see the alt tentacles showcase at sxsw that year just to see the causey way.

East Bay Ray is one of my guitar heroes. I can see it both ways I guess, Jello using DK money to prop up his label, DK dudes more than willing to do a nostalgia tour for big bucks.

But good job dredging up an 11 months old post to cluck your punk as fuck at me!

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
herr_prof wrote:

But good job dredging up an 11 months old post to cluck your punk as fuck at me!

a little sensitive today?Christ.

Please look at the post BEFORE mine and you'll note i did no such thing. i didn't bring this thread back up into the recent threads. in fact i didn't even know it was from 11 months ago.
Simply giving my opinion on the matter which i'm entirely entitled to .

So chill the fuck out Peter and get over yourself.
This isn't about ego stroking.