Remember that glitchNES preview video I posted the other day? If not, see this thread:
Well, it featured graphic data and screens ripped from NES games. I used the PPUSplit tool by Batsly Adams to do this. Now its your turn.
How to use the PPUSplit tool by Batsly Adams
This tool is used to split the FCEUX "PPU Memory" dump from the Hex Editor. Why would you want to split it up? So you can use it in glitchNES, of course!
What you'll need:
glitchNES 0.2 (see above)
PPUSplit for your OS (see below)
YY-CHR (tile editor)
FCEUX (emulator)
1. Load up your favorite game in FCEUX.
2. Find the screen you want to rip, then pause the game.
3. Go to the "Debug" menu and choose "Hex Editor"

4. In the Hex Editor, go to the "File" menu and choose "Dump to file", then "PPU Memory". Name it anything you want.

5. Open up the PPUSplit tool. Click the "OPEN" button and browse to the file you saved in step 4.

6. You'll now have 4 files in the same directory as the file from step 4: one .NAM file, one .PAL file, and two .CHR files.
7. Open up both CHR files in YY-CHR and figure out which one you need for the he background that you were trying to rip. This step requires your brain. Use it.
8. Copy and paste that CHR file into one of the slots of the glitchnes.chr file. Let's pretend you chose the first page, zero.
9. Next, move the .NAM and .PAL file into the directory. Let's pretend they are smb.nam and smb.pal.
10. In the glitchNES source code, under the zero (first) slot for the palette, it currently says: .INCBIN "pal0.pal". Change that to "smb.pal".
11. A bit further down under pic0 it says: .INCBIN "order.nam". Change that to "smb.nam".
12. If you didn't fuck up, you should see your ripped screen in glitchNES after you compile it.
13. Did you fuck up? Make sure the CHR, the NAM, and the PAL are all in the same "slot", like pal0, pic0, and the zero/first page of the CHR.
Download PPUSplit here:
Last edited by NO CARRIER (Aug 9, 2010 5:39 am)