Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Albino Ghost Monkey, L-Tron and myself are trying to put together a small midwest tour and we're in need of some help
booking shows in some cities.

we have basically a pretty open schedule but.. sometime between October 1st and October 15th would be handy.
preferably in a manner where we can go  WI, IL, WI to help split up the drives a bit.

October 8-9th are already booked. and i think 5th.. So maybe the weekend before...

So in example...

Oct. 1st: Madison
Oct. 2nd: Chicago
Oct. 3rd: Milwaukee

dates can be figured out later. Just need some peeps willing to help with the booking.

Milwaukee, WI

Can't help with booking, but you can bet I'll be at the Milwaukee show!


october 2nd may be a poor choice for chicago...kkrusty, sir.vixx, saskrotch, shitbird, ccdm, etc. are playing that overnight rave thing that night..also wouldnt recommend the 1st, atari teenage riot is playing that night

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
e.s.c. wrote:

october 2nd may be a poor choice for chicago...kkrusty, sir.vixx, saskrotch, shitbird, ccdm, etc. are playing that overnight rave thing that night..also wouldnt recommend the 1st, atari teenage riot is playing that night

atr is touring again?? wtf... why wasn't i told about this. lol.

oh yeah that rave.. i was asked to play that.. haha
well like i said. it was only an example. doesn't have to be a weekend either.


oh, did you get asked after i wasnt on the lineup anymore? wink

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
e.s.c. wrote:

oh, did you get asked after i wasnt on the lineup anymore? wink

i dont know. i was part of that massive message thing on facebook.. it was open call or something.
I turned it down cuz i didn't want to get stuck playing a rave at like 4am or something (and not getting paid for it).
heh call me a dick. but thats not my idea of a good time. even though people would probably be dancing their asses off.

Abandoned on Fire
e.s.c. wrote:

...atari teenage riot is playing that night

Goddamn it.  Looked over the dates and there's no way in hell I'll get to see any of them.  My twenty-year-old inner self is tearing it's eyes out.  sad

Milwaukee, WI

Everybody, please for the love of 1995 do NOT buy into Alec's mid-life crisis. Hanin isn't even on the line-up anymore.

Low-Gain, I brought this up to Ty and he said he'd try his hardest to work something out. Is there any room for after the dates listed? I'd assume a better venue could be secured if there was a little more time. I know a few Chicago brothers expressed playing here in Milwaukee as well.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Agreed RG. wink 

I think we can probably do the 3 dates in WI/IL later ... our version of a tour is like.. over a period of a month. weekend gigs perhaps. hahaha. as long as it's drivable in a weekend we'll rock that shiz!

rochester, ny

i know you're not looking for it, but anytime you want to play in rochester, ny, let me know!

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
nickmaynard wrote:

i know you're not looking for it, but anytime you want to play in rochester, ny, let me know!

werd. smile thanks! Prob work something out for an east coast thing in the near future. i miss NY