
Hi all,

Does anyone have specs or something to nanovoice .sav/SRAM format ? I've made few glitches,
like this:

Sounds like this:

All generates long drones, not sure how long. Anyway first 16x16 bytes seems contain one display/riff, sounds/waveforms numbered from 0 to $0F. After that probably waveforms itself, the data is regular, but I've studied it less than hour so hard to say. Anyway thought to ask if someone has more information, to not invent the wheel again ....

Thanks for advance !


Tacoma WA


my nanovoice cart has a few save slots that look like that when i load them but sound like what i had saved on there. 

since you can adjust the pitch and speed i'm guessing that you've done that somewhere in your glitch going by the sound.
wish i could be more helpful but this is very neat stuff.


Thanks infradead, can't adjust pitch and/or speed, they are saved some address in SRAM/SAV-file, but can't find where without docs. Anyway I try another way (or ask author if the sources are available), fill the first 256 bytes and take rest from "real" .sav-file made manually, let's see what happen.



The source code for the old nanovoice is available online. But you probably already knew that?

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nordloef wrote:

The source code for the old nanovoice is available online. But you probably already knew that?