Who wants to chill?
Drive 6 hours due west and we'll have a piggy party.
P.S. Jordan and I want that track you posted on tumblr... on hexawe.
I would but I have to leave in a few days, gotta pack for school. If I end up in town again I'll post here
how long are you in town for?
i am in until sunday but it looks like I am going to be busy accept for possibly on sunday...
Drive 6 hours due west and we'll have a piggy party.
P.S. Jordan and I want that track you posted on tumblr... on hexawe.
i dont think i can head down south this time.... i am staying in providence with family and am in and out of boston between family events
A piggy party sounds kinda sexy though... another time. i like it here i think i am going to try to come out here again
lol that is actually 3 songs in one short segment. i believe jordan is also sitting on 3 of my files as is.
enjoy the smilies bitch.
i believe jordan is also sitting on 3 of my files as is.
I'm also
get your ass in #hexawe when you have time and we'll make magic happen