Please buy my MPC1000 I replaced the broken pad & broken navigation buttons. Mates rates apply (I'll go as low as £300 for chipmusic users).
Would you be willing to ship to the United States?
edit* Asked a question and then did some research on "The Google Com". So, I deleted the question to save everyone some time. The question used to be right here, where all this unnecessary explanation is currently.
Last edited by sammulligan (Sep 11, 2010 5:37 pm)
Would you be willing to ship to the United States?
Shipping costs from UK to US range from £56.19 (28 days) to £79.39 (1 day). So, it probably isn't the most cost effective way to get your hands on an MPC1000. If you are still interested though, please get in touch.
keep in mind it has a different poewr supply. unless they were clever and put a simple switch or auto recognition.. i can't remember.