Before I get to the point of this post:
I've started going to school at Concordia University in Computation Arts and as a requirement (for most courses in the program apparently) students have to keep a site where they post assignments and other classwork related things.
So I finally decided now was the time to buy the domain and start a legit website. I chose Blue Host for hosting. Along with the site I also set up a wordpress blog: That's mostly the school part.
The point of this post: Design choices.
As of now the site is very new and simple but I would love any considerations from any/all of you as it grows and even as of now. Let me know what you think, and let's just talk about web design in general too, 'cause I feel like I want to have a lot fo fun with this :>
Last edited by Battle Lava (Sep 9, 2010 9:15 pm)