Los Angeles

It's 100 years in the future and we switched servers.

Sorry for any issues tonight. Let us all know if your experience is any better or worse since the move.  Hopefully things will be faster now. cool


Seems a lil zippier!

Los Angeles
herr_prof wrote:

Seems a lil zippier!

smile go figure MT grid suuuucks.

New York City

URL above changed to
And every time I post I get a "the websitre has changed locations, do you still want to send the data?" which is annoying

Los Angeles
akira^8GB wrote:

URL above changed to
And every time I post I get a "the websitre has changed locations, do you still want to send the data?" which is annoying

Yeah maybe in your area the DNS is still resolving to the old server. Try flushing your dns if your on a win/netbook, that might do the trick, else you will have to wait for your DNS to resolve to the new name server.

New York City

But is it normal that the URL Above still looks like that?

Los Angeles

No. if your being redirected to that means your machine is still going to the old server and the old server redirects you to the new server's temporary url ( .... If you hit the new server directly you will see the same nice url ""

New York City

Alright so it's a shitty south american ISP issue I bet.

Guten morgen by the way. it's really late up there big_smile

Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 14, 2010 12:29 pm)

Los Angeles

yeah its 4:30am big_smile

Last edited by Trash80 (Jan 14, 2010 12:26 pm)


Major speed difference!

Abandoned on Fire
tRasH cAn maN wrote:

Major speed difference!

\o/  No more "Server timed out" messages!

New York City

The redirect for forms doesn't work on Safari. Works great on Firefoxon Mac though.

Seems like Viacom refreshed their DNS so I can enter again, but at home I will probably have the same issue until the bloody ISP refreshes their DNS shit.

akira^8GB wrote:

The redirect for forms doesn't work on Safari. Works great on Firefoxon Mac though.

Seems like Viacom refreshed their DNS so I can enter again, but at home I will probably have the same issue until the bloody ISP refreshes their DNS shit.

Get OpenDNS. works like a charm! But make sure to sign up for an account or you'll get their pr0n filter.

New York City

Problem is, I have no admin rights at my work computer. So I can't get that hmm


You are clearly in need of some h4x. Check the model of the router/modem. Chances are it still has a default password. Then you can configure the DNS server that the router is relaying too. But make sure you copy the original value in case something goes wrong.


He's talking about work. I bet the router is a force10 behind more keycarded doors than you have white teeth.