I currently have a Gameboy Color. What do I need to play live? It doesn't seem like there's one source for everything and I know that the knowledge of all these people can help me out. Thanks very much in advance.
If you want to make gameboy music, just get a flash cart and buy the lsdj rom, or buy a nanoloop cartridge. YOU ARE NOW DONE.
Cheap donation to get the rom. Really you should try it on an emulator and see if it's for you before you get a cartridge.
Cartridges to put the lsdj rom on, nanoloop cartridges, anything else you could ever need for gameboy.
i'd bemore concerned about having the program to write music before you're concerned w/ playing live
Nanoloop or LSDJ are the two favorites for gameboy music.
i'd bemore concerned about having the program to write music before you're concerned w/ playing live
Words to live by. Anyone who believes that they'll be instantly playing live should take a look at the MSSIAH manual to show how much depth these programs for writing chipmusic have.
I'm not going to be jumping right in to playing live. I'm asking, what do I need, besides LSDJ, to play live? (MIDI keyboard, how to convert that, etc)
If you want to make gameboy music, just get a flash cart and buy the lsdj rom, or buy a nanoloop cartridge. YOU ARE NOW DONE.
seriously. THIS.
Okay, so once I get the cartridge, is it worth paying a few bucks for the DIY Pro Sound Mod?
Okay, so once I get the cartridge, is it worth paying a few bucks for the DIY Pro Sound Mod?
nope. it's not even necessary. and if you know how to solder, you can do it yourself in under 5 minutes if you have a triwing screwdriver.
My advice:
1.Get Cart, Write Music.
2.Worry about everything else later.
Alright, thanks. Any places that can point me in the right direction on how to write it?
read the manual, google "lsdj tutorial" or "nanoloop tutorial" depending on what you're using.
google is your best friend. youtube has tons of material. so does vimeo. look and you shall find.
Someone please sticky this thread if it hasn't been yet.
Also, don't forget http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_theory
The analog to this in other instruments is "What do I need to play electric guitar?" to which the answer is, "Any old guitar, an amplifier, maybe a pick, and about 10 years of practice and lessons," depending on how much experience you have in other kinds of music.
Alright, thanks. Any places that can point me in the right direction on how to write it?
http://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/latest … _4_0_0.pdf
You're welcome
this is wduwsts's brother. how do i turn on the game boy? will it need batteries?