Miami, FL

Extending the offer to my bros cool

Looking to mix or master your tracks.

What I'll need:

Your tracks in WAV or FLAC for mastering.

Multitrack WAV or FLAC.

It's free of charge and for educational purposes.

Post here if you're interested, or contact me privately, josh splat goatslacker splot com

Riverside, CA

we're currently recording a 4 track ep.
along with LSDJ will be some other synth, guitar, and bass.
would you wanna do that? im sure you'd do a lot better job with mixing/mastering. wink
were nearly done...
would you wanna do that?
and by multitrack, you mean like a single track for each instrument, with all others muted or something right?

Miami, FL

Yes, I'm interested.

Correct on the multitrack. smile


hey i sent you some stuff it was a garageband file from ... is there any way to find out when i might get that back ? i know it hasnt been long but im planning on releasing an ep/album and i would like to get some dates together (:


Nashville, Tennessee

syntheticaesthetics: this would be a perfect example of where to use the new PM system wink

Miami, FL

Mmm PMs. I'll email you. Just got back from Vegas.


lol woops
still new to the site though :S
my bad


I am going to release something as soon as my computer is fixed, it has about 7 songs on it.
Do you want to master all the tracks for the release? That would be sweet.

I dont know a thing about mastering music

Last edited by Tanooki (Jan 11, 2010 8:20 pm)

Miami, FL

Sure. Send me an email smile

The City Of Angels

What are you using to master, Goatslacker? I'm currently learning how to master tracks myself.

Miami, FL

At the moment I'm using Ardour 2.x on OSX coupled with the LADSPA and Apple plugins, Mackie MR-5, Sennheiser HD 25-1 II, and my ears.

The City Of Angels

Nice. I've heard of Ardour, but never tried it before. I probably should check it out. All the more since I'm now OS X myself as well.

However, I'm currently doing the mastering on the old tower machine with.... dare I say: Vista -_- (i got it for real cheap/bargain... around 250, but really spec'd out).

I'm running Wavelab and this VST bundle to which I forget the name of. Found it off a torrent so. :p and I got a pair of HS80 Yamaha monitors running via a MOTU 828MKII.

Although it's a bit complicated at the moment, since I'm currently mastering with some Sony old headphones (which is not recommended at all, of course. A big no-no.) and having to then transfer it to the mac, which is the machine hooked up to the 828/HS80s and then finally listening to it once more to see if the tracks sound more or less "ok".... it's a mess to say the least. haha. Space is kinda tight at the moment and I work with whatever I can at the time.

Probably an Ardour set up would probably save me the headaches and would ultimately prove to be more efficient for me, but I'm quite comfortable with Wavelab at the moment... and unfortunately they haven't release the OS X version yet....  and  I don't want launch bootcamp to run just one piece of software.

Gonna check out those headphones, I've heard good thing about them.

Anyway, thx for the reply, was curious.

Riverside, CA

goatslacker, i PM'd you.....

brighton, uk

I don't want to invade Goatslacker's thread, but I'm also looking for some stuff (not my own) to practice mixing and mastering on, so if Gaotslacker's busy you can PM me and I will have a go for you!

Bronx, NY

The man does good work!

East Kilbride, Scotland

I've sent you an e-mail Josh. I hope we can work together!