I am using a PSP 3000 running LGPT. WHenever I try to render the psp freezes this occurs as I am trying to exit the program. DO you think this is because I am not running old firmware or is there a fix for this? The mixdown file is allways there and correct it just means i have to rehack the psp every time i use it. SHould I just get an older style psp as all i seem to be having is trouble
I found a fix! Instead of quitting in the menu of lgpt. I found that using the home key to quit results in the PSP quitiing cleanly and not freezing!
I never render on the PSP itself - I'm not sure if the processor / write speed on the memory stick is good enough to really handle it. If I'm rendering, I always do it on the Mac...
I never render on the PSP itself - I'm not sure if the processor / write speed on the memory stick is good enough to really handle it. If I'm rendering, I always do it on the Mac...
Yeah render was kinda intended for Mac/Linux/Win builds, but I definitely have rendered a fairly simple song on the gp2x. Not recommended but doable! Good to hear this works on the PSP tho. Eff a computer!
Eff a computer!
now that you rendered.... time to transport it to a computer....