And neither is someone else we all know:
Citation: … 0113277126
There you go.
Last edited by arfink (Nov 3, 2010 3:37 am) is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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And neither is someone else we all know:
Citation: … 0113277126
There you go.
Last edited by arfink (Nov 3, 2010 3:37 am)
You better check if you yourself are Trent Reznor. It is a very valid question brought to light by Rob Pheg.
Simple test here:
For those of you who don't know, Rob Pheg is some guy from Texas who went to a show that IAYD played, and upon hearing IAYD's music and not liking/understanding it, threatened to throw a beer bottle at him. Whether or not this was the fault of the sound guy at the House of Rock in Corpus Christi is inconsequential now, as it's now a competition to see who can jump the shark the fastest.
I want to Fuck (Rob Pheg) Like an Animal.
Post read-every-comment-because-this-shit-makes-me-rage-and-we-all-like-to-rage-right? edit:
What have I learned?
.... DERP.
Last edited by Andrew Winzenburg (Nov 3, 2010 7:38 am)
I guess whoever sees this tomorrow will see a lack of comments in that long thread.
Thanks to everyone reporting/flagging that dude's posts he was automatically banned from that page and all of his posts were deleted. I'm pretty stoked on that.
EDIT: However, I am not stoked that it wasn't archived.
Last edited by IAYD (Nov 3, 2010 8:28 am)
Would have liked to have read this D-, see me after class.
Messing with the chip scene on the internet is like starting a fist fight in a knife bar.
Am I meant to know what happened?
PlainFlavored hit the nail on the head, mostly. I played a Halloween show on Saturday night, and it went really badly -- you can read about my write up about the show here on my tumblr, along with one of the last posts on that facebook link.
Basically, one of the hecklers/people who booed and shouted things at me that night apparently thought it was a good idea to find me on the internet, "like" my Facebook music page, and take the time to write me something along the lines (not verbatim since the posts are flagged/gone) "seriously kid, you're going to blame the 'lighting' guy for your poor performance -- I was one of the guys standing at the fronts yelling 'you suck', you are no Trent Reznor"
Having no idea how to respond to properly respond to this I linked the wall post on #chipmusic and shit got real. Rob Pheg had attempted to justify booing me at this show as "constructive criticism" and tastefully chose what comments to respond to when he was clearly in the wrong and everyone had torn him apart. I've never seen anyone try so hard to fuck with someone before and I'm actually flattered that he would put so much time and effort to try and fuck with me.
Highlights included one point when he responded to what I retaliated with after breaking down his thought process, telling me that I could "vote for nobama again if I want to get fucked by someone else", and that if he "ever saw me making noise in that venue again," he would "demand his money back and put it in the hands of real musicians". once he realized he dug himself into a hole he tried to rationalize his "points" by saying he was just pointing out that I called the sound guy a moron. too easy.
in regards to "real musicians" -- keep in mind that I played with a DJ and an 80s cover band that night.
seriously, way too easy.
EDIT: just woke when I posted this, dumb typos
Last edited by IAYD (Nov 3, 2010 2:31 pm)
This shit was entirely fucked up. People like Rob Phegznor make me so fuckin mad.
This thread goes hand in hand with nonfinite's thread about the "silent population", or in this case not-so-silent.
The situation here proves a good point, someone got drunk, said you suck, and now there's a playground discussion on facebook/message boards for the world to see when really, it should have been ignored or escalated to ultra-violence.
I wouldn't want to admit to being a part of this scene either. That's my :45 sec analysis.