I've recently started using LGPT on the PSP and I've looked around but I have a few questions about LGPT that I can't find on the net.
Edit: First two questions solved, links to the new build are now working and 1.1h had the effects I needed.
First of all, on the LGPT wiki it shows builds going up to 1.1d but all I can find is 1.1a, and the unstable builds are all dead links.
Secondly, I want to do vibrato effects which the piggy doesn't have so I thought that I could use the PFIN (pitch fine-tune) that the manual mentions effect to get a similar effect but there seems to be no such effect in 1.1a. I'm also missing the DLAY and IRTG (which seems to exist only in 1.1d, which I can't find). Are these effects only for the other platforms? I also have one effect, the GROV effect that isn't mentioned in the wiki.
Thirdly, is there no 'keyjazz' type setting? I find it minorly awkward that I can't hear a sound as I lay it down.
Fourthly, When highlighting a group of notes, is there no way of increasing or decreasing values as you can do in LSDJ? If not, is there any other way of adjusting the note values all at once? For example, if I want to bump a bunch of notes up by a semi-tone or by an octave, do I have to do it one by one?
Fifthly, by default the piggy seems to use slim cloning, is there any deep clone setting I can add the the config.xml?
Thanks in advance for the help.
(P.S: I'll have more questions soon!)