Brooklyn NY US

University of Alaska Fairbanks is hosting a screening of chip documentary Reformat The Planet, along with a Q&A with the film's director Paul Owens. In addition, I'll be doing a presentation serving as an introduction to chipmusic and its historical & technological contexts; a demonstration/walkthrough of Game Boy musicmaking software Little Sound DJ and Nanoloop; and rounding it all out with a live set.

2010 11 13  |  Saturday
5:00 pm: Reformat The Planet screening, followed by Q&A with director Paul Owens
7:30 pm: Intro to Chipmusic presentation, and Little Sound DJ / Nanoloop walkthrough
10:00 pm: live set

University of Alaska Fairbanks
William R. Wood Campus Center
S. Chandalar, Fairbanks AK 99709 US

forecast: high 18°, low 4°    :\ :\ :\ :\



Anahiem, CA

I guess you gotta make them dance extra hard to warm up. Thats pretty freaking cold.


The showing I hosted in Portland had a whopping 12 people show.  Asif and Paul were pumped anything at all happened.

rochester, ny

wow, this sounds really great. can i get you guys to come do this in rochester? smile