… ease/12019
Wtf? is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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I immediately thought of you when I saw that and it was very confusing...
Seems chip world is plagued by ppl who think that they're the only ones who know about this 'cool new fad'.
Explains the blatant ripping as well.
I remember hearing about an artist named 8-bit weapon back in '96-'97 within the midwest hardcore scene. That's actually how my friends and I found out about you!
It happens and it's nothing to worry about. There would be a serious problem if they "remixed" all of your tunes without you knowing.
Ok, so after a little detective work I found this:
I have more of a problem with them using a circular image to promote the album as though it's a vinyl. That to me is misleading.
what should they change the album name to "naughty boy"?
hey members how often do you google yourselves?
8bitweapon wrote: … ease/12019
I immediately thought of you when I saw that and it was very confusing...
agreed. ill give em a piece of my mind. you'd think that people would do a simple google search before naming themselves. unless they are blatantly trying to style bite you.
I researched the name before using it in 1999-2000. I found no record of any 8 bit weapon before my use. I have not seen anyone else use it since for any reason in any market until now. RG do you know of any links to this other 8bw?
As for these people, woulnt you google your band and or album title to see if it was used already?
Ok, so after a little detective work I found this:
I have more of a problem with them using a circular image to promote the album as though it's a vinyl. That to me is misleading.
Let's keep things in perspective OK? The record label creates that image, not the artists, and all releases under the label look like that: … /index.php
The only thing to blame the artist for is the poor naming of the EP. It's not as bad as pretending to be another artist or stealing tracks, but it's misleading in that people might confuse this EP for 8 Bit Weapon's work.
hey members how often do you google yourselves?
Just about every day.
hey members how often do you google yourselves?
I let goggle saved search do it for me.
Its obvious they are using our brand name for their marketing purposes. How can anyone today release a new product without doing a search for the name 1st? They are releasing a chip album under an established artist name as its title.
Also Br1te Pr1mate made a good point (on that other site) " if some random chip douches releases a "Bit Shifter EP" i sure hope we'd all tell them to go fuck themselves."
Last edited by 8bitweapon (Nov 18, 2010 5:56 pm)
Maybe this EP is a collection of songs about you.
Genre: Dance Techno Minimal / Glitch Techno