I have started a podcast called A Jumps B Shoots. Its a video game podcast and soon to be media outlet for video games and everything surrounding interactive technology and culture.
I was going to write all of the music for the podcast but thought that it would be awesome to get bumps from my friends at chipmusic.org. If you are willing to donate some tunes (3-4 would be best) for the intermissions in the show, just email me. All chosen artists will get a thank you at the end of the show and a plug for their website.
I want chip music to be a very pronounced part of my show, much like Bytejacker is doing. I update every other Monday. If you guys and gals have any topic ideas, go ahead and email me.
http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/02/episod … jbs-fight/ - Episode 4 with our interview with 2 Player Productions and featuring music from Greenleaf, Shortsleeves, and Go Motion
http://http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/02 … -tangents/ - Episode 3 featuring D&D Sluggers
http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/01/episod … ong-to-be/ - Episode 2 featuring Plain Flavored
http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/01/debut_episode/ - Episode 1 featuring Nick Maynard
iTunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/bw/podcast/a-ju … d416755362
If you want your music featured on the podcast please e-mail me 3-4 songs to matt (at) ajumpsbshoots dot com. I'll email you back telling you what show you've been slated for.
Last edited by mechlo (Mar 1, 2011 3:21 am)