Unfortunately, the ST uses ROM routines a lot, so you have to use 'emulator' cart. If it is rare, but you have some knowledge about electronics and have a ROM programmer, you can replace (or add) ROM with Sinclair BASIC.
Well, if the SoundTracker runs on TS2068, just without sound, you're lucky - adaptation is a matter of few POKEs. Try this version, add POKE 55710,245:POKE 55716,246 before last RANDOMIZE USR. Clock frequency of AY in TS2068 is close enough, so it is not necessary to change the table.
Hm. Seems like after the POKEs sound indeed disappeares from Spectrum.
However, also seems like it doesn't appeare on Timex 2068 (with ZX emulator cartridge).
Although I admit - I tested it only on emulator.
It's because peple on TS2068 mailing list said that TS2068 has audio output only for beeper (!!!!) and no audio output for AY.
And more exactly - the sound from AY goes to... ZX-BUS!!
That's the most idiotic thing I have ever seen.
PS: Emulator is OK - I tested other AY programs for TS2068 and they make sound while the hacked ST remains silent.
Is there any posibility the POKEs could be improved/corrected or rather not really?
Last edited by MISTER BEEP (Dec 3, 2010 1:28 pm)
I can't tell anything having no opportunity to test it. If you know an TS2068 emulator with AY support for Windows - please provide the link.
Sure thing.
Here it is http://www.chuntey.com/
Also, I believe I tested this one ftp://ftp.worldofspectrum.org/pub/sincl … la.tap.zip for AY (worked OK).
Additionally, I can upload somewhere the SoundTracker I poked, if required.
Best wishes,
Emulator does not work properly for me, even in 128K mode. The sound is high-pitched and jerky, almost complete mess. The same sound in TS2068 mode, so it probably always emulate standart AY ports.
Last edited by Shiru (Dec 6, 2010 12:05 pm)
Yes, quality of AY emulation is scandalous, therefore I was only checking out if the AY works (and this emulation is enough to determine it). I tested the special TS2068 program for AY and it worked. However the poked SoundTracked didn't worked.
Maybe I made something wrong with the POKEs?
Don't know, I've added my POKEs, and the sound is still there. I have no idea if I did it right, because emulator .. let's say, not too good. I can't check the memory location to ensure that the changes are applied indeed, and I see no way to check if the output comes from 2068 AY, not standart one.
POKEs should be added before last RANDOMIZE USR in line 2 (there are two).
It is not very useful for tracking because it has no sound, and probably no music software too (it is a ZX-81 clone).
EAR is for recording shit to cassette, programs. So if you are into random piercing bleepy noise, this is your thing
You are better looking for a Spectrum with an AY inside, the 48K only has the beeper.
Well, tape output actually could be count as a sound output, I guess the tape bleeps are generated in software, just like on ZX Spectrum. So, if you make software, you probably be able to pull some sounds from ZX81 through tape output. However, it uses CPU to generate video, so you have to turn the video off while sound plays (I guess it turns off video for load/save too). I don't know for sure, though.
Last edited by Shiru (May 12, 2011 8:16 pm)
Well, yes - it's a ZX81 with 16Kb of RAM.
Theoretically it should be possible to get beeper sound from it (not as complicated as from ZX Spectrum 'though, as far as I know), however I have never managed to hear the sound (not EAR, but MIC port).
The sound from the port is SO silent that actually impossible to hear. I don't know if my ZX81 is broken (but I tested 2 issues - and nothing) or maybe it was typical for ZX81. But in this case - how the hell they were able to save programs on tape????
There are several "music" demos with one channel only. And I heard them only from emulator.
Maybe if somebody wrote any beeper engine for the machine (or port one from Spectrum into ZX81) then it would be good for music. But You have to test Your MIC port if You hear anything with SAVE "name" command, at all.
Maybe Shiru could port his Huby engine into ZX81 but I actually don't know if there is a point, because I really hear nothing from my ZX81s.
Last edited by YERZMYEY (May 22, 2011 8:19 pm)