
I've noticed some really strange things happen with Nanoloop and my CGBs. I've got two of them and the problems are affecting both. Like I've said before, I write everything using my GBA SP and that works fine and sounds fine. But I noticed a few nights ago when I used my copy of Nanoloop to show some friends a song I was working on, all of my sustained notes just wouldn't stay.

I tried with my other CGB and the same thing happened. But trying them in my DMG, those notes were back--sustaining better than ever. Can anyone shed some light on this? I've searched around and tried testing with LSDJ to see if the problems are there too, but I'm fairly sure they aren't.

Tacoma WA

what nanoloop ver ?


Sorry, I just noticed I forgot that. 1.3


I thought this was common knowledge. I think that there is a few threads about it on the nanoloop forum.

Melbourne, Australia

I actually had a similar thing happening in LSDJ ages ago, only in one certain colour gameboy.
I can't remember exactly how it happened but some note was getting randomly cut off.

nordloef wrote:

I thought this was common knowledge. I think that there is a few threads about it on the nanoloop forum.

I checked there and couldn't find anything....But that's 'cos I couldn't use the search function. I can't justify joining that forum, seeing how inactive it generally is.


You know, funny story. For some reason, I've got the same problem with LSDJ now. I can't even begin to guess what's going on here.


This is a hardware bug on some GBC revisions. I think the problem affects instruments using the length parameter. (Pulse and noise instruments - the length parameter for wave instruments is something else.) Setting it to unlimited should solve the problem.


Yeah, for some reason, nothing I do with it is consistent. The unlimited length seems to do the trick, but I guess I'm beat if I want to play notes of a different length.

Thanks for your help!

nitro2k01 wrote:

This is a hardware bug on some GBC revisions. I think the problem affects instruments using the length parameter. (Pulse and noise instruments - the length parameter for wave instruments is something else.) Setting it to unlimited should solve the problem.

As far as I know nanoloop doesn't use the length parameter only the envelope one.