Neo Jersey

I'm in talks right now with Rowan U about setting up a chip tune night possibly in the spring. For those of you who have no idea where the hell Rowan is... its in Glassboro, NJ which is about 15-20 min south of Philly. Really easy to get to. There are no further details at the moment, but they are at least interested in in the idea. I'd like to get a roll call of who might be interested in playing / doing viz. If you are interested what I'll need is a track from you and or a link to a video and maybe a real quick bio, including a link to your webpage (if you have one). I suppose a myspace will do even though no one goes on there anymore tongue

I'm going to compile a cd to send to them to give them a feel of what chip tunes are all about and more specifically what they can expect from some of the local artists. I don't think this dude is too familiar with chip tunes so I'm sort of educating him on it at the same time. If anyone has any input / suggestions from experiences at other college shows I'm listening. I'll update this as i get any responses from people. South Jersey, represent!!...*cricket, cricket* lol

>>>>>> Send your tracks/bio to:
>>>More details to come...hopefully!
>PS - Everyone should be trying to set up shows at your nearest college! All it took was some scouring of their website for the right person to contact and one email. If anyone needs help let me know!
Artists that I have a track/video from:
Esopus the Dragon
Da Pantz
Kris K
Animal Style

Last edited by HPizzle (Dec 29, 2010 5:32 pm)


interested. depending on dates. let me know.


Ill talk to some of the NY chip bro's and if you need viz ill be down for it!


could be fun. just a matter of when, how to get there, will there be a hot tub, no brown m&ms, biggie wink

Kris k wrote:

could be fun. just a matter of when, how to get there, will there be a hot tub, no brown m&ms, biggie wink

I need green skittles only and at least 3 doves an hour

invaderbacca wrote:
Kris k wrote:

could be fun. just a matter of when, how to get there, will there be a hot tub, no brown m&ms, biggie wink

I need green skittles only and at least 3 doves an hour

yeah, invaderbacca and i demand a bottle of Courvoisier, two pounds of fully cooked ham with honey glaze,  and an UNOPENED packet of Big League Chew for each of us, or we don't go on.  Also we request the presence of at least two cast members from Who's The Boss to be present at every performance.

Philly, PA, USA

what just happened here
and i could do viz
hey invaderbacca, collab? yikes

Bronx, NY


Neo Jersey
noisewaves wrote:

interested. depending on dates. let me know.

Really? Michigan is a hike! But don't get me wrong, i'd love to see you play! Keep checking back here hopefully i'll have more details soon.

Kris k wrote:

yeah, invaderbacca and i demand a bottle of Courvoisier, two pounds of fully cooked ham with honey glaze,  and an UNOPENED packet of Big League Chew for each of us, or we don't go on.  Also we request the presence of at least two cast members from Who's The Boss to be present at every performance.

LOL, I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO. also Tony Danza alone i would think would be enough haha

pixls wrote:

what just happened here
and i could do viz
hey invaderbacca, collab? yikes


HPizzle wrote:
noisewaves wrote:

interested. depending on dates. let me know.

Really? Michigan is a hike! But don't get me wrong, i'd love to see you play! Keep checking back here hopefully i'll have more details soon.

Kris k wrote:

yeah, invaderbacca and i demand a bottle of Courvoisier, two pounds of fully cooked ham with honey glaze,  and an UNOPENED packet of Big League Chew for each of us, or we don't go on.  Also we request the presence of at least two cast members from Who's The Boss to be present at every performance.

LOL, I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO. also Tony Danza alone i would think would be enough haha

I want the mom and Milano and were good


i'm in if mike can drive my ass there!
feel free to throw on any music from on the cd, or if you need anything else, i can send you a picture of my flacid penis.

facundo wrote:

i'm in if mike can drive my ass there!
feel free to throw on any music from on the cd, or if you need anything else, i can send you a picture of my flacid penis.

I gotchu br0, all flacid all the time

HPizzle wrote:
noisewaves wrote:

interested. depending on dates. let me know.

Really? Michigan is a hike! But don't get me wrong, i'd love to see you play! Keep checking back here hopefully i'll have more details soon.

haha, yeah it wouldnt be JUST for the Rowan show, probably try and do a few dates out east then head down to play.

keep me posted!

Westfield, NJ

I'm sending my stuff over! Don't count me out! I even know someone who graduated from Rowan smile

Philadelphia, PA

I'm interested! Sending you an email myself right now.

Neo Jersey

sweet! i updated the post to show who i've heard from so far. And Facundo - we don't want to scare em too much, how about just a topless pic lol.