Very few of you know who I am, I never really stuck around the site much.
And I never got the time to play any live shows in my town. I could have
became so much better if I really put my heart into it but I decided to focus
on my classes again.
I'm an engineering major at my uni. Music was a fun hobby for
this year and I learned a lot more than I expected in 8 months.
This is a goodbye, an album release, and goodluck for everyone out there!
Being a musician is too much sacrifice for me, so I bow to those who keep it up!
My album previous to this one needed some work, so I remixed/edited/improved it greatly!
So I have released this album as a last project since I'm really satisfied with it. I may not
have done everything my project would have lived up to, but it's good enough.
I think I can say this album is FOOKIN GEWD.
And what do I care if you're angry with my arrogance? I'm leaving for a LONG while (if not for good).
It's not perfect. But I learned a lot of music theory in 3 months and I'd say I did well for never playing
music or composing it once before being introduced to Chiptune/Low-Fi music.
I have a LAST.FM page too but I stop maintaining it.