They're more stylish than 99.99% of the chipscene
My mistake :
Based on the owner's valuation of this particular domain name, they will only consider offers above $6,700.00
it looks like is available for cheap and might be up more peoples alleys
oh hey they changed the picture! it used to be some little cracka child lying in the grass with headphones on
oh hey they changed the picture! it used to be some little cracka child lying in the grass with headphones on
Actually that's still there, in the top left corner.
Dude, that kid's gettin' prime for sexy time.
Last edited by Andrew Winzenburg (Jan 14, 2011 5:54 am)
hope they can make their six grand, whoever set that up must really be pressed for cash
It might well have gone from $500 to $6000+ in the last twelve months - all the mistypes from people trying to get here - they probably think it's valuable web real estate
fucking hipsters
I'd make an offer all over her domain name anydayovtheweek yagetme hurhurhur