I was burgled yesterday, so if you see any of the items at the link below on Craigslist or ebay or wherever, please let us or the police know.
I was going to post a .gif but then I realised what items got stolen...
Good luck xx
Wow, this pisses me off. Best of luck to you!
Damn, I hope you've got decent renters/home owners insurance. That's a lot of $$$ the fucker swiped.
Man, that is pretty serious shit. I know your pain. In the last 6 months innate had my car, house, and mailbox broken into.
man, im sorry..that kinda shit shouldnt happen to nice people...hoping it turns up safe and sound
I'll help out in this regard and wish you the best. This is fucking infuriating. I always like to say that it could have been worse, but fuck that, as true as that is this is fucking infuriating.
Thanks for the kind words, and thanks to all the people spreading the word.
Post updated with more information, additional item, and it seems they DID get the midiboxsid psu.
I am devastated. The midibox sid is very unique. it has i think, only 2 or 3 of the 1/8" jacks on the back, and a switch for turning MIDI OUT to THRU where one of the 1/8" stereo jacks should be.
Pisses me off.
Theorically it would be "easy" to find at least the midibox. Sorry to hear that, Peter, I saw at 8bc. Hope everything works out nice and you get your stuff back. I hope that the police in your area is better than the police in my city. Best luck, dude.