and to add to that: I don't like selling myself or constantly yell how "great" I am,
it's such a laborious and annoying thing to do and it makes me feel cheap.
But in a way, it seems you constantly have to remind people of what you're up
to, twitter and be active in fora and make sure you're not forgotten because everyone
and their mom these days think they're either musicians, vj's, artists, writers, whatever.
Also, people's knowledge and memory these days is retarded.
Like I am often appalled by the lack of notion of what's been done in the past,
like the UK raving on how fresh chipmusic is and forgetting people like Gwem
and countless of others been making chipmusic in the UK for so many years.
Or people not having a single fucking clue about chipmusic before blip, or
micromusic, or any other consoles besides the fucking gameboy.
Or as if databending (what the....) was invented yesterday.
Bitter ? you bet.
I'm gonna kill you all