
Say I wanted to install a push button to mute the sound on my gameboy, where exactly would I put it? What wires would I need to solder to the switch? I have an eighth inch and a quarter inch jack, so is is there a master volume I can connect it to, or would I have to put it on each output jack individually?

clovis CA

whats your set up? how many prosounds? do you want the speaker to mute too? id say to scrape the traces to pre pot, wire a switch or 2, and solder to the joints to the pre pot


I have a prosound 1/4" and just the regular 1/8". I removed the speaker for lofi's pitch bend. And honestly, I dont think Im that experienced to do all that. Is there a way I could just clip a wire going to the default volume knob or just to the outputs? Ya know what Im saying?

clovis CA

i am affraid i dont

do you want like an arcade style button?
like something off of bucketheads guitar? or what?

pm me and i can make it happen


Aight. Its really simple actually, I just want to install a normally open pushbutton switch that would mute the entire gameboy when I press it. Maybe its alot more complex of an operation than Im thinking. I wouldnt know.

clovis CA

you would need one for each channel, but yes =] im sure theres a way to do it with one, like a dpdt or something


Right, so would it be possible to just snip a wire going to the outputs and connect them to a dpdt like you said? I guess what im asking also if that doesnt work, is if theres a master wire or whatever that I could cut to kill the sound completely. Forgive my stupidity, Im not exactly an expert on this technical jazz.


Like a killswitch on a guitar. Buckethead, like you said.

rochester, ny

could you wire the switch to the volume knob? the single volume knob controls both the left and right signals.

hardcore, Australia

you can buy switches that will carry two seperate signals.

nickmaynard: that pot would actually be two. you cant really sum an analogue signal and then split it back again.

Philly, PA, USA
godinpants wrote:

you can buy switches that will carry two seperate signals.

nickmaynard: that pot would actually be two. you cant really sum an analogue signal and then split it back again.

but what if you reeeeaaaally want to?

clovis CA

if its just coming from the 1/4 jack, it wouldnt be as hard, no?

Central-ish VA

I'm going to guess by your saying that you've got another jack in there that you've tacomodded it?  If so look at your tacomod wires, take the one carrying the left side audio to the jack and cut it with some wire left on both sides.  Solder these ends to one set of contacts on a SPDT normally closed momentary switch (the contacts that correspond with each other.  Should be obvious, if not then test with a multimeter or check the switch's schematic) and do the same with the wire corresponding to the right side audio.  Make sure the ground wire hasn't been damaged or changed in any way.  Tadaa, you're done!  Note that this fix is simply blocking the signal from getting to the tacomod jack - this stops nothing for the speaker or the original jack.

clovis CA

what he said
ill do it for you?
email me at =]

Wellington, NZ

you can get a momentary pushbutton that is normally on.  I bet you can find one that has two in parallel.


I've only been able to find normally on/closed momentary buttons are Radioshack, 3 for $5, and they sucked. I used one in a guitar killswitch and the build quality was lame, it only worked half the time. So spend the extra cash on decent switches.