First picture that kid looks like he will nail ya if your one a pub, well as the second picture he's a nerd...
first picture that kid looks like someone that would probably be pretty good live.
"Never again will you have to sacrifice power for portability."
Dude's pants are even higher in the second photo, thus making him look more like a nerd. The face helps too.
infinite nerd street cred
not even my three cats can compete with this fucker
Ugh, I remember how tough it was as a kid. Carrying spare batteries in my hands, holding onto the link cable incase a friend dropped by, constantly having the power adapted plugged in so if batteries were running low I wouldn't waste time, as well as having to carry my games in my mouth. I didn't remember carrying a second power chord in my pocket that didn't connect to the gameboy though. I totally cannot relate to this in any way.
I didn't remember carrying a second power chord in my pocket.
Maybe you weren't rock 'n' roll enuff /m/,
1st World Problems representin' 90's style!
If he wasn't wearing those tight acid wash jeans, he'd probably have been privy to the revolutionary "pockets" for his devices
Edit - Ok, Technically, yes, he is using his pockets, but everything's spilling out of them, so not actually super effective
Last edited by dosPrompt (Mar 3, 2011 10:34 pm)