Great album
the download link isn't working!
which one? the one in the orig post works for me...there are also roughly 20 links in the thread, total, so maybe you mean a different one?
the original one, i click the link and then it goes, opens a new tab, and tries to load a page and nothing happens,
it worked once, but didn't download properly...
its a .zip file...right-click, save as (or save target as)
i'll try that, but usually, it just automatically downloads... dunno why i didn't think of that though...
Edit: nope, when i try that, absolutely nothing happens.
Last edited by pixls (Jan 21, 2010 3:12 pm)
try a different browser or computer? it works fine on internet explorer 8 running in xp sp 3 (this computer)
so firefox worked, damnit, chrome, you have failed me.
and now i'm really enjoying this. really cool stuff sir!